Conservative TMJ Therapy
Are you suffering from the following symptoms?
Headaches, migraines, pain in the face, jaw or neck
Cracked, chipped, loose, missing, and sensitive teeth
Clicking, popping jaw joints, difficulty in opening wide or chewing
Teeth clenching grinding, cannot sleep, ear ringing, loss of hearing
Tightness of neck, shoulder, lower back, numbing of fingers
Treats TMJ conservatively
Your Health is in Good Hands
Gneuromuscular (GNM) dentistry is an advanced discipline of dentistry which integrates the sciences of Gnathology (study of the jaw and its movements), Neurology (study of the nervous system) and Muscle physiology (study of muscle function) into clinical dentistry to solve complex dental problems. Gneuromuscular Dentistry is a term coined by Dr. Clayton Chan, founder of Occlusion Connections in Las Vegas, United States and the world’s foremost expert in tmj and occlusion.
For many years, Dr. Cecilia Ng studied extensively at “Occlusion Connections” under the mentorship of Dr. Chan. With her extensive knowledge and experience Dr. Ng has successfully helped many patients solve their tmj and other chronic pain conditions.